About the project

The need

Creative thinking skills can be considered one of the key competencies for the twenty-first century—they allow us to remain flexible and provide us with the capacity to deal with the opportunities and challenges that are part of our complex and fast-changing world. 

There is a need, particularly in the current Covid-19 situation, to support and reinforce the development of creative thinking competences for parents, who act as role models for their children. But teaching parents of children can prove very challenging, since they often have hectic lives, with little to no free time.  

The Solution

This project attempts to offer short, well-developed and scientifically-tested creative thinking workshops which can be implemented easily to parents, complimented by innovative digital tools targeted at parents, which will enhance their creative thinking skills. The training will consist of face-to-face or virtual, two-hour workshops for parents.
The project will also develop and offer a mobile application to parents, which will be based on subscription microlearning methodology and will offer a holistic approach for skills development by offering small learning units and interactions at regular intervals.

The main objectives of the project

The main objective of the project is to develop the creative thinking skills and competences of parents of school-age children through the delivery of face-to-face workshops, combined with digital microlearning. This would be achievable through the development of: 

1. Training Programme

A Training programme called ´Creative Thinking for Parents´ for the development of creative thinking skills, specially targeted to parents of school age children. The training programme will be divided into short workshops, with a duration of two hours each, that will cover different thematics

2.Learning Motivation Environment

A Learning Motivation Environment accessible through digital devices. The contents will follow the microlearning methodology, where SMS / emails will be sent to parents notifying them about interventions / resources they can do or watch on the topic of creative thinking, along with practical exercises that they can do with the children.

3. Parents' Guide

A Parents' Guide on Creative Thinking will include information on the same topics addressed in the training programme and will be provided as a trainees´ handbook for the workshops. It will consist of: - basic theory / information on each topic - practical tips, questions - ideas for activities - link to the online supplementing materials and community of practice - information about the web app and how to use it.

4. Online Community

An Online Community of practice will offer parents a space to discuss questions and uncertainties as well as material where they can find information and answers to their questions.