European Parents Association (EPA) has been the only EU-level organisation representing parents as a stakeholder group in education since its foundation in 1985. Through our 30+ member organisations, we have working contact with almost all EU-member states and some non-EU countries (e.g. Serbia, Ukraine, etc) as well.
The main objectives of EPA, reaching out to 150 million European parents, since its legal creation in 1985 are:
- to promote and advocate for the active involvement of parents as primary educators at all stages of the education of their children,
- to support parents' associations and individual parents for stakeholder involvement in different European countries by offering opportunities for training, cooperation and exchanging information,
- to support the highest possible quality of education for all children in Europe especially by active involvement in EU-level policy development and assessment, and
- to disseminate relevant European information among its members.
Website: www.europarents.eu